

Lar España SOCIMI S.A held a second General Shareholder Meeting on April 25th, 2024, at which it approved, among other resolutions, the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of 61.771 thousand Euros, at a gross ratio of € 0,7381 per share;

(ii) a share premium, in the amount of 4.396 thousand Euros, at a gross ratio of €0,0525 per share.

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. allocated a total of €66,2 Million to make these payments (total dividend of €0,7906 per share) for the financial year 2023.

The payments were made on may 24th, 2024.

Lar España SOCIMI S.A held a second General Shareholder Meeting on March 31th, 2023, at which it approved, among other resolutions, the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of 12.346 thousand Euros, at a gross ratio of €0.1475 per share;

(ii) a share premium, in the amount of 37.654 thousand Euros, at a gross ratio of €0.4499 per share.

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. allocated a total of €50 Million to make these payments (total dividend of €0.5974 per share) for the financial year 2022.

The payments were made on April 28 th, 2023.

Lar España SOCIMI S.A held a second General Shareholder Meeting on April 27th, 2022, at which it approved, among other resolutions, the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of 16,734 thousand Euros, at a gross ratio of €0.1999 per share;

(ii) a share premium, in the amount of 13,266 thousand Euros at a gross ratio of €0.1585 per share.

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. allocated a total of €30 Million to make these payments (total dividend of €0.3584 per share) for the financial year 2021.

The payments were made on May 27 th, 2021.

Lar España SOCIMI S.A held a second General Shareholder Meeting on 22nd April 2021, at which it approved, among other resolutions, the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of 18,190 thousand Euros, at a gross ratio of €0.2076 per share;

(ii) a share premium, in the amount of 9,310 thousand Euros at a gross ratio of €0.1062 per share.

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. allocated a total of €27,500,000 to make these payments (total dividend of €0.3138 per share) for the financial year 2020.

The payments were made on 21st May 2021.

Lar España SOCIMI S.A held a second General Shareholder Meeting on 17th March 2020, at which it approved, among other resolutions, the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of 55,000 thousand Euros, at a gross ratio of €0.6276 per share;

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. allocated a total of €55,000,000 to make these payments (total dividend of €0.63 per share) for the financial year 2019.

The payments were made on 16th April 2020.

Lar España SOCIMI S.A held a second General Shareholder Meeting on 25th April 2019, at which it approved, among other resolutions, the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of 68,353 thousand Euros, at a gross ratio of €0.73 per share;

(ii) a share premium, in the amount of 6,647 thousand Euros at a gross ratio of €0.07 per share.

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. will allocate a total of €75,000,000 to make these payments (total dividend of €0.80 per share) for the financial year 2018, which represents a 67% increase on the shareholder remuneration for the previous year.

The payments will be made on 24th May 2019.

Lar España SOCIMI S.A held a second General Shareholder Meeting on 19th April 2018, at which it approved, among other resolutions, the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of €17,286,000, at a gross ratio of €0.187 per share;

(ii) a share premium, in the amount of €227,714,000, at a gross ratio of €0.299 per share

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. will allocate a total of €45,000,000 to make these payments (total dividend of €0.49 per share) for the financial year 2017, which represents a 50% increase on the shareholder remuneration for the previous year.

The payments were made on 18th May 2018

Lar España SOCIMI S.A held a second General Shareholder Meeting on 29th May 2017, at which it approved, among other resolutions, the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of €3,416,000, at a gross ratio of €0.038 per share;

(ii) a share premium, in the amount of €26,584,000, at a gross ratio of €0.294 per share

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. will allocate a total of €30,000,000 to make these payments (total dividend of €0.33 per share) for the financial year 2016, which represents a 65% increase on the shareholder remuneration for the previous year.

The payments were made on 31 May 2017

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A, held its General Shareholder Meeting on 21st April 2016, at which it approved the payment of:

(i) a dividend for the fiscal year, in the amount of €4,499,000, at a gross ratio of €0.075 per share;

(ii) a share premium, in the amount of €7,538,000, at a gross ratio of €0.125 per share.

Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A. will allocate a total of €12,000,000 to make these payments (total dividend of €0.20 euros per share) for the financial year 2015, which is six times higher than the previous year.

The payments were made on 20 May 2016.

The General Shareholder Meeting approves Lar España Real Estate SOCIMI, S.A.’s first dividend proposal

Lar España will pay out its first dividend (€0.033/share) on 28th May 2015.

The Company intends to maintain a dividend policy which gives due regard to sustainable levels of dividend distribution and reflects the Company’s return forecast. The Company intends to pay dividends when the Board considers it appropriate. However, under Spanish SOCIMI Regulations, the Company will be required to adopt resolutions for the payment of dividends to its shareholders, after fulfilling any relevant Spanish Companies Act requirement. Payment must be made within six months following the end of the financial year, in the following way: (i) at least 50% of the profits derived from the transfer of real estate properties and shares in Qualifying Subsidiaries and real estate collective investment funds. The remainder of these profits must be reinvested in other property or investments related to the performance of the SOCIMI within three years of the transfer date. Otherwise, these profits must be distributed in full together with any profit earned, where applicable, in the year in which the reinvestment period expires; (ii) 100% of the profits derived from dividends paid by Qualifying Subsidiaries and real estate collective investment funds; and (iii) at least 80% of all other profits obtained (i.e., profits derived from additional activities). If the relevant dividend distribution resolution was not adopted within the legally established timeframe, the Company would lose its SOCIMI status, effective as of the year corresponding to said dividend distribution.

Only shareholders that are registered in the clearance and settlement system managed by Iberclear at 23:59 hours (Madrid time) on the day of approval of the relevant dividend distribution will be entitled to receive the dividend payments. Dividends will be received by holders of Ordinary Shares at such time. Unless otherwise agreed by the Shareholder Meeting or the Board, the by-laws state that the payment shall be made 30 days after the dividend distribution is approved.